Thursday, July 29, 2010

Halfway Point

Yesterday was my last day of classes for this summer semester. I am so glad that it is finally over-I never thought it would end! Even though the semester was only 12 weeks, it felt way longer than Spring semester, which was 4 weeks longer. Overall, the semester was a good one. I really loved Storytelling, and I highly reccomend the class! I was pleasantly surprised with this technology class. Even though there were moments when I despised this class, I am glad that we were forced to take it. I learned a little bit and broadened my knowledge a little bit, but like everything else, unless I use what I learned on a consistent basis, I'm sure I will forget much of what I did in this class. I do feel that rather than being a Level 1 Computer Nerd, I'm now maybe a level 3. I'll always aspire to be a level 50, but will be happy to get to a level 10.

I am really looking forward to next semester, which I think will be really great. I have Resources and Services for Adults, which I hear is a pretty fantastic class; Resources and Services for Children, which I'm sure will be pretty good as well; and Managment, which I'm not sure exactly what to expect but seeing as I've had Kip before for Organizing and Retrieving, I'm sure I won't be surprised.

So, now that this semester is, for me at least, officially over, it marks the halfway point of my grad school experience. This is both exciting and scary. I'm uncertain of what I really want to do when I grow up and not sure if this program will really prepare me for the library world. But, after the pannel discussion in Understanding yesterday, I'm a little more confident. Especially after talking with one of the pannelists who shares my name AND my haircut.

At this point I'm pretty much overdrawn at the memory bank, so I'm glad that "summer" is finally here! I hope everyone enjoys their break and for those who are graduating, congratulations and good luck!

1 comment:

  1. This semester certainly was a rough one--I think because we had to do so much in such a short time. Looks like we're both in both the classes I'm taking next semester, too (Children's and Management), though I'll be taking both online, so we likely won't see one another till on campus weekend.

    Now, if I can just figure out how to pay my bills over the next three months everything will be golden.
