Wednesday, June 2, 2010

High School Flash Back!

I have to say that last night's lab took me back to 1999--back to my high school computer class. Now, I will be the first to admit that I'm a total nerd and that I love school, but I hated this computer class. I am not a very tech savvy person, as I've said before, and I took that class with hopes of improving my computer skills. Needless to say, the teacher had no patience for students who were slow to pick up what she was layin' down, and even with extra "help" from her, I still did terrible and had that awful pit in my stomach every time I walked down the hall to that class. Looking at the lab worksheet last night took me right back to that insecure 11th grader sitting in the high school computer lab, in a cold sweat, trying to figure out this bizarre language that most of my classmates were very comfortable with.

Now, I know that if I just slow down and take my time, I will be able to decipher the language. I've learned a little bit in the past 11 years--I'm a little wiser. Feeling rushed was part of it last night--20 or 30 minutes for me was just not enough time to get the assignment finished. I would have stayed longer but my hour drive home is more like 1.5 hours this week because of construction so I wanted to get out of there as quick as possible. I just wish that my brain wouldn't freak out when it sees computer stuff. It's like it can't get over 11th grade computer class. I'm hoping that after I make it through this class, I'll have conquered this fear of technology and move into the 21st century!


  1. I noticed watching the video that you guys had a regular-length lecture and then the lab. I had expected that the lectures + lab would fit in the class time. I'm kind of thinking that that is the intention, but Dr. Tomer is just not to great with the time management--if he had stopped talking right after the first time he said, "this is the last thing I'm going to say," the lecture would have finished 20 minutes earlier. This was frustrating enough on the recording; I'd have been going crazy if I was actually there. I have no time to do the lab now that I'm done watching the class; luckily, as an online student, I can do it tomorrow.

  2. Thanks for the empathy, Alex! I finally took a look at the lab today and finished it--feeling less rushed definitely helped. I thought too that the lecture and the lab would be somewhat evenly split so we had enough time in the lab and like you said, I'm sure that is the intention. Hopefully next lab will be better!
