Monday, June 7, 2010

Easy Does It

I finished my Zotero/Jing assignment the other day, but I was thinking about it today. I don't know if any of you out there in LIS 2600 had trouble completing the assignment, but here are a few tips if you are still struggling: I know that I had to re-do my recording a few times. Either because my dogs started barking in the middle of it, or my internet connection was lost, or someone came in the room and started talking to me, or I just messed up. So, if that happens to you, just uninstall Zotero and start over. To uninstall Zotero, all you have to do is go up to Tools in your Firefox browser, click on Add-ons, scroll down until you see Zotero, and then click on Uninstall. Then you can go back and try again. Another hint...and this one is probably obvious, but when I was trying to figure out how much of my screen to capture in Jing, I kept making it way too small by dragging down to the lower right hand corner. You would think that I would notice that the numbers were getting smaller (of the size of the section of the screen I was capturing) but sometimes I'm a little slow to catch just drag the capture cross hairs to the upper left hand corner and that will let you capture your whole screen. For me, those two things gave me the greatest trouble. Otherwise, this assignment was pretty simple, although I hate recording and then listening to my voice! Good luck classmates!

1 comment:

  1. I had pretty much all of the same problems--I did put the dogs out in the yard before I started, because I anticipated the barking problem. My first try the video was a tiny strip of the top of the screen--I'm not sure how I did that exactly. I hate listening to my recorded voice, too--I actually haven't listened to mine the whole way through; I just listened to the beginning and figured the whole thing was probably OK.
